Laptop Tips

How To Cool Down Your Laptop

A computer is a machine that generates a large amount of heat. If the heat cannot be dissipated in time, it will cause your computer to overheat. If we compare the two main types of computers (PC and Laptop). We can say that the Laptop engendered more heat because it doesn’t get the PC’s level heat dissipation system and handles both CPU and GPU under a small casing in order to be portable. It is essential to reduce the system’s heat to increase the lifespan of your Laptop.

We have brought you a new tutorial to show you different methods to cool down your Laptop.

Avoid Using The Laptop On Carpeted And Padded Surfaces

Using your laptop on surfaces that absorb the heat or prevent the generated heat from flowing out can also cause your laptop to get overheated. In this scenario, the generated heat will circulate inside the laptop, causing a rise in temperature in the component. These surfaces include carpeted surfaces, bed surfaces, and many other padded surfaces.

For proper heat ventilation, we recommend using a laptop on a table, proper desk, or any other hard surface where airflow can travel out of it.

Using A Laptop Cooling Pad

It is known that the primary purpose of the Laptop is its work with portability. Having a compact design in order to increase portability also compromises its heat dissipation technology; that’s why overheating in laptops is common.

cool pad

Well, a common product usually known as a laptop cooling pad would be a brilliant choice to use. It is a cooling fan built into a compact-sized laptop stand or tray. It throws direct air to the bottom cover of the laptop and brings down the temperature. Another advantage of a cooling pad is that you can place your laptop on any surface, whether it is a carpeted or a padded surface.

Clean Laptop Fan And Vents

Another thing that can affect your laptop’s temperature is dust. The dust particles on your Laptop’s air vent can easily block the airflow. Furthermore, the dust can also affect some components like cooling fans and motherboards. Sometimes, excessive dust can also prevent your cooling fan from running correctly.

To prevent this, it is recommended that cleaning the cooling fan and vents of your laptop would be a great option. In the majority of laptops, it is straightforward to remove the bottom cover and get access to these components. An average consumer can easily do that. In addition, changing the thermal paste in different areas is also vital.

Reducing Usage Of CPU and RAM

Mostly while doing heavy gaming or multitasking, you must observe that your laptop is getting overheated. Further, when you install many applications, a temperature rise can happen. This usually happens due to an increase in load on (usage) both RAM and CPU.

To decrease this load, you can turn off some unnecessary apps (background applications) through Task Manager. All you need to do is search for Task Manager on the Start Menu Search bar, click on Open, and turn off all the unwanted programs by selecting them and clicking on Disable. In this case, increasing the RAM capacity can also help.

Using Laptop At Room Temperature

It is natural that if you use your laptop in a high-temperature environment, the temperature will definitely increase. For example, you might observe the high temperature in laptops in summer as compared to winter. To prevent this problem, using a laptop in a cool area like an air-conditioned room is recommended.

Charging and Using the Battery Properly

While charging and using the laptop at the same time, the temperature can increase. So, it is recommended not to use the laptop while charging.

The users can also adjust the battery settings to prevent the temperature rise. Using the Laptop in performance mode can quickly increase the temperature as it starts using the full strength of the laptop’s hardware. Using a laptop in battery-saving mode prevents overheating as it decreases the usage pressure on the Laptop’s hardware. To change battery settings, you can simply click on the battery icon at the right of the taskbar and select the mode you want.

After doing these different methods, the temperature of your laptop will most probably cool down. If you are facing some other issues with your Laptop, you must look at our previous tutorials on how to fix different laptop problems.

Harris Zahid

I'm a tech enthusiast, writer at, having a great Interest in Auto Industry And All Communications Related Equipment. Photography and Gaming are my Hobby too. For any query, contact me at

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One Comment

  1. Hey, Harris. I was reading the other day that some cooling laptop pads may only work as a band-aid and even make an overheating laptop worse over time by blowing dust back onto the hardware components. I read your post including the advice about cleaning the fan and vents. That’s great, but I’ve also heard that doing this or just removing the bottom cover at all can void the warranty. Is this true? If so, I’m not sure I’m tech-savvy enough to take this risk. Thanks! Here’s the article I was reading:

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