Xiaomi Mi 3Xiaomi Mobile Phone

How To Remove and Replace Xiaomi Mi3 Screen

In this guide, I’ll explain how to remove the Xiaomi Mi3’s crashed display assembly and replace it with a new one.

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Tools needed

Remove the SIM card tray.

You can find two screws in the card slot.

Remove these two screws.

Now, we start to pry up the back cover with a guitar pick.

Carefully slide the picks by the arrow.

Now, the back cover can be removed.

Remove eleven screws securing the middle frame.

Pry up and remove the cover.

Pry up the motherboard cover.

Pry up another side.

Remove the motherboard cover.

Disconnect the battery power cable from the motherboard.

Remove the battery.

Remove two screws securing the motherboard.

Disconnect the cable.

Disconnect the LCD cable.

Disconnect the touch cable.

Disconnect the antenna.

Now wears an antistatic glove.

There is a button cable on another side of the motherboard; disconnect the button cable.

Put the motherboard into an antistatic bag.

For the new display assembly and old display assembly, we need to remove all parts from the old display assembly and install them in the new display assembly.

Remove the front-facing camera holder.

Remove the noise-canceling microphone.

Remove the earpiece.

Remove the screw.

Remove the induction cable.

Remove the vibrator.

Remove the button cable.

Remove the antenna cover.

Carefully remove the cable.

Carefully pry it up a little bit.

Remove the layer of glue.

Now, all the parts were removed from the old display assembly.

Replace Xiaomi Mi3 Screen

Remove the blue sticker on the new display assembly.

Install the induction cable.

Install the screw.

Install the earpiece.

Install the front-facing camera holder.

Install the vibrator.

Install the button cable.

Remove the blue sticker.

Install the cable.

Install the antenna cover.

Install the noise-canceling microphone.

Connect the cable to the motherboard.

Connect the touch cable.

Connect the Induction cable.

Connect the LCD cable.

Connect the antenna.

Install all screws.

Install the battery.

Connect the battery cable.

Install the cover.

Install all screws.

Install the card tray.

It’s done!

For more guides, check out the Xiaomi Mi3 device page.

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  1. Thank you so much. I used your step-by-step guide to replace my old Mi3’s screen.
    I got stuck at the touch cable/induction cable step because I couldn’t understand how it twisted under the motherboard. I also messed up the antenna by pressing hard, but it still works.

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