Lenovo Tab S8-50Lenovo TabletTeardown

Lenovo Tab S8-50 Teardown

In this guide, I’ll explain how to disassemble the Lenovo Tab S8-50 to remove the back cover, battery, speaker, rear camera, front camera, and motherboard.

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Pry up the back cover a little with a guitar pick.

Pry up the back cover with your fingernails.

Now, the back cover was removed.

The back cover is connected to the body by thirteen snaps.

Under the back cover, you can access the internal components, including the battery, motherboard, speakers, cameras, and more.

Disconnect the cable.

Disconnect this cable.

Remove the screw.

Remove the metal sheet.

Now, remove the battery.

Lenovo Tab S8-50 comes with a 3.8v, 4200mah Li-polymer battery, Lenovo model: L13D1P32.

Under the battery, there is a metal roll cage and two PCB cables. One is a data transmission cable. Another is an LCD cable.

Disconnect the button cable.

Disconnect the rear camera cable.

Disconnect the front camera cable.

Lenovo Tab S8-50 rear camera, 8MP

Lenovo Tab S8-50 front camera, 1.6MP

Remove five screws securing the motherboard.

Remove the motherboard from the tablet body.

Remove the metal shield.

Remove the top speaker.

Remove two screws securing the PCB board.

Disconnect the touch cable. Remove the PCB board.

Remove the button board.

Intel Z3745 processor


ROHM2610 power management chip

Winbond 25Q64FWIG audio decoder chip

Samsung 16GB eMMC chip

TI BQ24297 charge management chip

Broadcom BMC4330 wireless module

For more guides, please visit the Lenovo Tab S8-50 device page.

Source: zol.com.cn

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  1. Do I have to tear it down to replace the digitizer completely? Either way, how do you remove the digitizer from the screen?

    1. You can buy it on eBay for $19. You do not need to tear it down completely! Check some videos on YT about replacing digitizers for popular phones, etc. You will learn how it works.

  2. You have to replace the Digitiser and LCD as one unit. The 2 parts are bonded together.
    Shame this teardown doesn’t go all the way to removing all parts.

  3. This is the only guide I could find for this tablet on how to replace the USB port. This has been super helpful. Thanks!

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