Lenovo TabletLenovo Yoga Tablet 2Teardown

Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 Teardown

In this guide, I’ll explain how to disassemble the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 to remove the battery, rear camera, front camera, speakers, and motherboard.

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Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 Teardown Step:

First of all, open the cover and remove the hidden screw.

Lift up the scotch tape and remove the hidden screw.

Remove this screw.

Pry up and remove the back cover.

There are some snaps on the back cover. It can strengthen the robustness of the back cover.

Disconnect the button cable.

Disconnect the rear camera cable and remove the rear camera.

8MP rear camera

Disconnect the DC power jack cable.

Disconnect the left speaker cable.

Disconnect the touchscreen cable.

Synaptics 7300b touch chip, support for 76 channels.

Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 has two boards, two boards connected via a soft cable.

Disconnect the LCD cable.

Remove six screws securing the motherboard.

The motherboard is covered with a metal shield to prevent electromagnetic interference and ensure signal stability.

1.6MP front camera

Disconnect the right speaker cable.

Disconnect the switch cable.

Remove the vibrator.

Remove three screws securing the little board.

The little board

Remove three screws securing the Wi-Fi antennas.

The Wi-Fi antennas

Remove three screws securing the GPS antennas.

The GPS antennas

Remove four screws securing the left speaker.

The power button

The left speaker

The volume button

Data and charging interface

Light sensor

Left speaker module

Remove the power button.

Remove the volume button.

Remove four screws securing the right speaker.

Right speaker

Remove the tablet base.

Remove the LCD hinge.

LCD hinge

The other side of the base does not find an LCD hinge.

Remove the battery.

There is a magnetite on the battery.

Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2 has a 3.7V, 9600mAh Li-ion battery, Lenovo model: L14D3K31.

The metal roll cage

Once remove the metal shield, you can see the chips.

Intel Z3745 processor

Winbond bios

TI USB2.0 Control chip

EMMC5.0 16GB ROM, read speed 170MB/S, write speed 11MB/S

Samsung 2GB RAM

Broadcom Wi-Fi, Bluetooth chip

Broadcom GPS chip

BQ242921 Power Management Chip

Three-axis gyroscope chip

Remove the metal shield covering the little board.

The WM5102 Audio decoder chip

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  1. Thanks for the article. What about replacing the digitizer/touch screen? Is it glued, or are there just other screws? I have some cracks on it, and I want to repair it. When I asked for official service, they wanted more money than for a whole new tablet.

    1. Great article indeed.
      To answer the question about the glue, yes, the screen is glued to the chassis. It is glued along the edge of the screen, from the edge and about 4-7mm inwards.

      I have to stress that you replace the screen at your own risk, but this is how I replaced mine with a new screen and digitizer from eBay.

      Try heating the edge of the screen with a hairblower or other device so the glue lets go more easily. Beware not to use excessive heat. (I didn’t heat my screen long enough for the heat to travel through the screen and ended up prying the screen from the chassis and peeling off the excess glue.)

      To loosen the screen, pry it open with a screwdriver or other by running through one of the slots near the edge of the chassis. I started in a corner and worked myself from there.

      Be careful along the rest stand, as the plastic “anchors” can get damaged. But don’t worry, the screen has some support as well, so the plastic won’t give up when you get another screen if some anchors get broken.

      Toss the screen away as it is garbage now, mine was at least.

      Get a new one. (Screen + Digitizer) I got mine cheap at eBay.

      My new screen didn’t come with adhesive or glue, but I had great success with a superglue/gel compound from Loctite. I think it’s called extreme repair.

      Connect the cables, and put your table back together.

      Great Success.

      1. The glass is completely glued to the touch screen, any attempt at removing the glass will damage the screen. Just ask my Yoga Tab 2. 🙁

      2. Please, my Lenovo Yoga Tab 2 screen is cracked. It has ink all over it, though it is still responding to touch. Which reliable site should I order it from, or how do I go about replacing the screen or making an order for a new part? I’m really confused.

  2. You know, I do not see what I need, but I like the way you did it. I’m looking for two parts and both are the same. Only one is from Lenovo Yoga, and the other is from Lenovo Yoga 2. Those are two little metal things where you put a SIM card in. And that’s because those SIM cards go three in one. Next time, I hope you show me how to do that.

  3. Hi, I am waiting for the Tab 3 Pro. But there is no LTE modem. I want to add one if possible. Does anyone know how to add a 3G/LTE modem to Yoga? Perhaps there is already one on MOBO but with a plug? Or do I have to find a new MOBO?

  4. Where can I get the replacement for the 8 MP rear camera?

    Can you tell me a website? My camera got broken.



  5. Hi, I have to replace the battery. The orange power cable is cut, so the battery isn’t connected to the main board anymore. I have the Windows version, but it looks the same. Do I have to do all the passages in the description to replace the battery? (In the guide, the battery is unplugged at the end.) Or do I don’t need to do all that? I’ve already found the battery on eBay, but unfortunately, I couldn’t find the cable. Thank you!

  6. Hi, do you know where I might find the USB assembly? I bought one of these refurbished tablets, and the USB port failed after two months.

  7. Hi, I’m looking for the part name of both Wi-Fi and GPS antennas. Also, does anyone know where to get them?

      1. Yes. I don’t want to overpay and I’m certain it’s only the fault of the connector on the antennas because it got pulled out while rescuing a sim card that turned out to be too small.

  8. Hi, My Lenovo Yoga Tab 2 has switched off automatically after displaying Lenovo. After that, my Tab 2 won’t turn on, and it’s even not charging. Please give me a solution.

    1. If your Lenovo Yoga Tab 2 will not turn on, try a different charger cable and power adaptor. Otherwise, the battery will be completely dead and must be replaced.

    2. I had a similar problem after I replaced my screen as described above. I got my tablet working again by removing the back plate of the tab and refitting the screen and power cables. I would check the connectors first before buying a new battery.

      TLTR: Check for loose cable connections before changing the battery.

      1. Martin,
        Good Evening.
        Can you recall the exact events and the exact failure or loose contact inside the tablet? Many are having this problem with Lenovo Yoga 3-8. I have 2 such units in my house. The older Tablet is perfectly working. The newer one is showing the battery as 0% and after a hard reset, it is starting. It is running always on external power. The battery is not dead as a dead battery will show charging % and the charge will drop suddenly.


  9. Hi. I replaced the USB interior connector flat cable of my Yoga 10 HD because the USB port was broken, and it didn’t charge anymore. The tab is running fine afterwards except the backlight of the display doesn’t work anymore. Any idea why? I was very careful in disassembling and assembling all the fpcs on the main board. Remark: the power cable was disconnected from the battery for about two weeks.

  10. Can I just thank you for this article? Without giving it much thought, I slipped a Nano SIM card into the space for the Micro SIM in my old Yoga 2 8-inch tablet and could only get it out by dismantling the case. Your step-by-step illustrations made it a five-minute job to open the case carefully and retrieve the SIM. You’re a life-saver. John

  11. Hi, the focus on my protector is not focusing. I think it has something to do with the slider. How can I fix it?

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